Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The iPhone App of My Dreams...Almost

So I was reading The Life Ledger blog again when I read about an iPhone application that I immediately had to download. It's called "Food Additives" and lists many of those crazy chemical thingies that are listed on the back of food boxes that we, as the normal consumer, have no idea what they mean.

I was playing with it last night and have to say I was mildly disappointed, not only as a non-corn eater, but as a regular old consumer. They have an alphabetical listing of many food additives (not all, as I couldn't find plain old fashion maltodextrin) and then gives information on the additive like if its plant or animal based or just straight up chemical and if its been gauged to be a potential danger or not. Which I have to say I was disturbed by how many were classified as undecided or possible dangers. My other disappoint was that although if did say if chemicals were plant based, that didn't tell if it was corn based! I need more details, people!

So if the creators of the application read this blog, please let us know exactly what plants these additives are derived from. But for everyone else who reads this and is concerned about whats in your food, then I highly suggest checking out this application


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